Acacia’s research on workplace wellbeing allows us to better understand employees’ perceptions of EAP and mental health offerings through detailed analysis and exploration.
Our findings inform our mentla health and wellbeing offerings to ensure we cater to the needs of all employees, organisations, and communities.
Acacia’s Research Study
Our inaugural research study explored men’s perception and barriers to mental health offerings, in particular EAP services. Understanding the help-seeking behaviour of men is important as approximately 76 percent of all Australian deaths by suicide are men (ABS, 2013). Increasing men’s uptake of EAP services not only lessens the emotional burden on the individual and helps reduce the incidence of suicides in men, but it can also reduce the flow-on psychosocial and financial impact to family, friends, workplaces, and wider communities.
The study identified ways to increase the uptake by men of a widespread workplace mental health and suicide prevention program that has little published on its impact: an EAP service. Men were consulted about the barriers and enablers to their use of EAP services through focus groups and interviews. The study also explored differences between blue-collar and white-collar employment settings. The research found numerous barriers of entry: no need for EAP, uncertainty of EAP services, scepticism and distrust of EAP, and societal and workplace cultures
Following the study, Acacia has tailored our marketing and service delivery to different workgroups, and more confidently conveys confidentiality to increase utilisation from men. Acacia has also put into place further onsite initiatives that reduce the stigma surrounding mental health and help-seeking in the workplace.